
I understand that any photo or video recorded of me and any reproductions thereof, made on behalf of Ardent Credit Union, may be published, distributed and used by Ardent Credit Union in connection with publicizing and promoting Ardent Credit Union’s business without restriction as to alterations for any lawful purpose. I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written copy or edited video wherein my testimonial or likeness appears. In addition, with this authorization, I hereby hold harmless and release Ardent Credit Union from any and all claims for libel, copyright or invasion of privacy, in connection with the use of my testimonial. I am of full legal age and have the right to contract in my own name. If my minor child appears, I confirm as legal guardian of such minor child that I give permission for the child to appear in the photo or video. I have read this release form and fully understand its content. This release shall also be binding upon me, my heirs, representatives, executors, or any other persons acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate.